Shanti Air Handling Division [AHD] has vast experience in designing and manufacturing of Induced Draft Fans (ID Fans) , Forced Draft Fans ( F.D Fans) / PA Fans .
Induced Draft Fans // Forced Draft Fans // PA Fans
Our fans have been designed to run efficiently and is robust in construction to give a long life. Having over 1000 installation running for over a decade itself is a testimony to our performance. All the impellers are dynamically balanced . Our manufacturing process and stringent quality control ensure performance par excellence.
All our Impeller are statically & dynamically balanced.

Induced Draft Fans
1 H.P to 100 H.P

Forced Draft Fan (FD Fan)
- Optimum Efficiency
- Designed on Low RPM for durability
- Low Noise
- Dimensioal Accuracy
- Less Power consumption

Transport Blower
- Industrial Boilers
- Industrial Burners
- Furnaces
- Dust Extaction systems
- Ventilation & Exhaust systems.