Air / Water Pre Heaters : Shanti Boiler’s Air Pre Heater / Waer pre Heater are design to utilize the high temperature flue gases and recover it, by either pre- heating combustion air going to the furnace or to heat the water at the ambient temperature to 75-80 deg c . The objective is to harness fully the available heat from flue gases and increase the over all efficiency of Boiler by optimally designing the Heat Recovery Units there by it results in fuel saving for the industry.
Model : SB-APH & SB-WPH Series
Type: Vertical / Horizontal design
With the increasing cost of fossil fuels Shanti Boilers offers energy efficient Condensate Recovery Pump. These pumps are installed near the process. The condensate water ( at 95 Deg.C ) is pumped directly to the over head feed water tank in the Boiler house resulting in huge energy saving and fuel saving. The condensate recovery pumps also eliminates the cost of additional sump generally incurred for storage of condensate water .
Condensate Recovery Pump is used where there is indirect heating.
Shanti Boilers offers Pressure Regulating Station where the process requires high volume of steam at a consistent low or high pressure. Installing a Pressure Regulating Station popularly known as “PRS” ensures the optimal and efficient running of the Boiler there by resulting in fuel saving.
Our Pressure Regulating Stations consist of superior quality of valves and pressure regulating valves with onsite service support.