Throwback to our one of it’s kind boiler for a 100 Year Old Locomotive Steam Engine

Throwback to our one of it’s kind boiler for a 100 Year Old Locomotive Steam Engine

It was on the 7th of December 2019 that we received a call from Jamalpur railways regarding the repair of a 1919 dated steam engine’s boiler. Although this inquiry naturally looked implausible to our team since rebuilding a century old boiler with outdated functioning systems was practically difficult to execute, we decided to go through the details of the project once and re-evaluate the project. With this, we requested the Authorities of DME (Divisional Mechanical Engineers) at Central Railways Locoshop, Jamalpur to provide us with further details of the repair work.

Their core intention for this project was to commission the steam Engine on the occasion of 100th Anniversary Celebrations at Jamalpur Railways Yard. In addition to maintaining their old heritage, they were on the lookout for a competent company to refurbish their Steam Engine built by a British company in 1919 to run their old locomotive steam engine. Apparently, they were unable to find one and reached out to us looking at our technical and infrastructural capabilities that suited their requirements.

After careful consideration, our team finally decided to take up the project and build a boiler at our facility, matching all the dimensions, specifications, ratings and features of the 1919 boiler made in England. We did a site visit to Jamalpur for boiler inspection. Following the visit, we submitted a comprehensive technical report under the IBR Act, which said that it is required to be derated every 15 years by 5%. Moreover, measurement of the plate thickness revealed that they had pitting on the surface and were not suitable for use. Therefore, after careful consideration of all these issues and acceptance of the report by the DME’s of central railways locoshop (Jamalpur), we successfully developed a fully functional one of its kind boiler that was done within 3 months with just 5 of our engineers engaged into the project.

Here is a short video depicting the final functioning of the locomotive at Jamalpur central railways after installing the newly built boiler by Shanti.



